Yes, sad but true! Halloween is finally over...but no worries...I am turning 35 in eight days and I have already asked for special Halloween gifts! Woot woot! Okay, so our maze turned out to be A-Maze-ing! We had a very, very small budget, and there was another Haunted maze going on at the Performing Arts Center, and they had a huge budget! However, the buzz was that the maze on Mc Alister was sooo much better...hee hee, that would be us! I have to giggle a little cause it's just cool. The people that put the other maze together were so nice and came to see ours! How nice is that! I unfortunately did not have time to get over there because of our maze, and me taking Jude out for his first Trick-or-Treating experience, you will see what he thought of the whole thing below!
Okay so as promised here are some photos...oh and I am not very don't laugh! :)
Here is my little one right before we headed out, I was trying so hard to prevent this, but to no victory! He did manage to wake up after three houses, they tried handing him some animal crackers and he totally lunged forward and grabbed a Sneakers (is that spelled right)!
Here he is with daddy and the Beetlejuice costume I made him...I am quite proud of the costume and face painting I did!

So here I am...sigh. I hate this picture, I look bloated, as I paint my sister's face.
My handsome son, the skeleton man (0f course you can't see his handsome face)!

My beautiful Rio as an Emerald Witch! Yes, she really is only 11 years old...yikes!
My mom as a crazy Rag doll with her little Skeleton!

My and her boyfriend with one of my awesome face paint creations! His eyes are closed and I painted over them to make it look like he had glowing eyes...I was quite impressed with myself!

Oh and of course I got a kiss from Beetlejuice himself! For all my hard work...I would prefer stamps instead of kisses from a dead!

Well, I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed myself on Halloween night! It was just such a blast, having my family up was my treat as they live 2 1/2 hours away so they don't get to come up to the mountains often. I am hoping that this has triggered a tradition, and I will see them more on the Holidays! I had 12 people in my house, it was full! But fun! I hope everyone's Halloween was just as fun!